Feb 04

Dr Kevin Haugh (PhD)

by richanthon in 0 comments 1072

“Richard Lynch is a kind, considerate and charitable person. He gives selflessly of his time and endless energy to help the less fortunate in society. Over the past fourteen months he has been invaluable to me in promoting fundraising events for the Mid-Western Cancer Foundation in the University Hospital, Limerick. He gave extensive publicity to the Bridges of Limerick Walk that proved very successful and most enjoyable for everyone who participated in it and in the process raised almost €2,000.00 for the Cancer Foundation. More recently he was to the vanguard in giving my book An Imperfect Storm extensive coverage before, during and after the launch. Thanks to Richard’s publicity the book was a sell-out on launch night with 157 copies sold and all the author royalties going to the Mid-Western Cancer Foundation also. Richard was master of ceremonies at the launch and his infectious energy, enthusiasm and affable disposition that ingratiated him to all in attendance was considered a major catalyst in making the event a most enjoyable social event. I consider Richard a true gentleman who spares nothing of himself to promote all that is good about Limerick and people through his I Love Limerick column in the Limerick Chronicle every week. The column is uplifting and compulsive reading that uplifts the spirit of the reader and causes hope to spring eternal through its focus on all that is good in people. Richard has managed through his column to inspire people to rise above the trials and tribulations of everyday life and work together for a better tomorrow for all of us in our communities, in Limerick and further afield. He is an inspiration as to what a positive attitude can do to inspire all of us to work together to make life’s journey more memorable and fulfilling by accentuating the positive and eliminating the negative.”

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