Jan 30

Orla Murphy, Project Manager, Think Ahead, Irish Hospice Foundation

by richanthon in 0 comments 1145

“Richard Lynch was spokesperson for the launch of the Think Ahead pilot in Limerick city early in September and continues to support and endorse this project as the 3-month pilot progresses. Think Ahead is an initiative of the Forum on the End of Life and focuses on encouraging Irish people to think about whether their wishes would be known to those close to them if a day came when they could not speak for themselves and to record these wishes using the Think Ahead form. Richard has been able to bring the the level of seriousness (as someone who is a full-time carer), vibrancy and enthusiasm we needed to launch this project in Limerick. In addition, he has proactively promoted the initiative through Ilovelimerick.ie, the Limerick Leader and his Facebook page and has driven a great amount of attention to our Thinktalktell Facebook page. We are delighted at his input, the level of energy and internally driven sense of motivation he has been able to bring to this initiative.”

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