Feb 04

Jennifer Moroney Ward, Manager, Learning Hub Limerick

by richanthon in 0 comments 1233

“I’ve worked with Richard in my role as Manager of Learning Hub Limerick. Richard has advised us in developing a PR strategic plan in a voluntary capacity over a number of years and has provided invaluable training to not only myself but the Hub team including some of our many volunteers. Richard has a loving yet no nonsense approach when advising his clients. He provides very practical PR and communications advice while at the same time energising and inspiring staff and volunteers to promote the great stories we have to tell about the quality work going on in our organisations. Richard truly values the work of the community and voluntary sector and is a wonderful advocate for the best of it in Limerick City. He sees the unique and worthy aspects of our work. Often as staff of community and voluntary organisations we are too close to the day to day and fail to capitalise on the great stories emerging from the outcomes of our work. Richard offers an objective and useful response to this and encourages us to tell our story bigger and better! Richard’s team at I Love Limerick also gave us countless hours or filming and PR advise over the last year in particular which resulted in a really focused and well produced promo about www.learninghub.ie .This has received more hits and feedback than any other PR effort we have made. We feature the 12 minute clip prominently on our web site and we are very proud to show it to people to explain exactly what we do. Richard is a committed, honest and professional advisor. If you or your organisation wants to become CLEAR about communicating what you do best Richard will help you to do this.”

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