Sep 16

I Love Limerick

by richanthon in 0 comments 5385


I Love Limerick
was created in 2008 by Richard Lynch. It is a project motivated and inspired by Limerick people focused entirely on the city and her citizens. Through a series of exciting and well-produced documentaries, lifestyle programming, interviews and photography, the I Love Limerick project aims to encourage a wider respect and pride for the city


I Love Limerick showcases the efforts and achievements of Limerick based organisations in the community, including the voluntary, artistic, cultural and micro enterprise sectors, offering artists, new enterprise, established businesses,organisations and charities the chance to market themselves utilising print, photography, video programming and social networking platforms.


I Love Limerick were provided with the following services:


Dec 08

Assisted Living Solutions

by richanthon in 0 comments 5552




 Assisted Living Solutions is a Limerick-based company recently established to provide elderly or disabled people the opportunity to remain in the comfort of their own home or community, believing that a healthcare facility should be the last resort.


Assisted Living Solutions goal is to be the best providers of Home Health Care Management Solutions in Ireland specialising in assisted living, independent living and home health care provision.


With a combined 40 years of experience in the security and technological sectors, the company's founders intend to establish themselves as the leading healthcare provider of healthcare technologies in Ireland.


Assisted Living Solutions were provided with the following services:




Dec 08

Pink Ribbon Walk

by richanthon in 0 comments 5204



Pink Ribbon Walk is a national voluntary movement with a big dream- a world without breast cancer.


Fundraising: All the money raised goes to Action Breast Cancer, a programme of the Irish Cancer Society. They Support families all over the country who are battling breast cancer.


Research: Money raised helps to fund Irish Cancer Society research programmes that come up with amazing breakthroughs in cancer diagnosis and treatment.


Awareness: Pink Ribbon raise awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle in preventing breast cancer.  




Pink Ribbon were provided with the following services:


Dec 08

Keith Duffy Foundation

by richanthon in 0 comments 5487


Keith Duffy Foundation has a strong link to autism awareness in Ireland and the Keith Duffy Foudation is working to raise funds for a number of children's charities throughout the country.


Using his experience and contacts, garnered through his 14 years as patron of Irish Autism Action, Keith will organise a variety of fundraising events, with the aim of providing support and financial assistance to the foundation's chosen charities.

Support will be provided for people onthe ground and will directly help individuals, families and schools, in particular.


 Keith Duffy Foundation were provided with the following services:


  • Branding Team Leader
  • Website Team Leader
  • Website Content
  • Social Media       
  • Marketing
  • Publicity & PR